Tuesday 16 December 2014

Herbal Supplements For Vaginal Discharge To Relieve Menstrual Problems

Herbal Supplement For Vaginal Discharge
Women suffer from different types of gynaecological problems. Vaginal discharge and menstrual problem are the two most common of them. However, each and every woman wants to avoid the awful situations.

Herbal supplements such as Gynecure capsules are the best way in treating and curing this problem safely and effectively, because the herbal remedies are totally free from negative side effects. So, the individuals may use it for a long period without any hesitation.

Here are few herbal remedies for vaginal discharge treatment as well as menstrual problems.

Herbal Remedies For Vaginal Discharge:

Fenugreek: Fenugreek seeds are helpful for curing the problem for leucorrhea. Women can take fenugreek as tea or can use as a douche for washing their genital passage.

In order to make the douche, take a litre  of cold water and add two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in it and boil it on a low flame for half an hour. Then let it be cooled for some time. Strain it, and use the liquid as vagina cleaner. It is considered as one of the herbal supplements for vaginal discharge.

Amarnath: This root is considered as one of the most effective herbal remedies for leucorrhea. Take the root of this particular herb and rub it into 5 ml of water. After that, filter the water and consume it twice per day on a regular basis. If the root is not available, then the branches or leaves can be used in the same way also.

Guava: Boil few guava leaves in water. Then cool it and strain it. Use the liquid to wash the genital passage. Women can consume Gynecure capsules along with the herbal remedy.

Ladyfinger: It is one of the best herbal supplements for vaginal discharge. In order to consume it, cut it to pieces of 100 gram of fresh ladyfinger. Then add it to half litre of water and boil it for 20 minutes. Then strain the decoction, and drink about 70 ml. regularly. It is one of the most helpful herbal remedies for leucorrhea. 

Herbal Remedies For Menstrual Problems: Women face different types of menstrual problems such as irregular menstruation, menstrual cramps or heavy menstrual flow etc. Though Gynecure capsules are an efficient herbal cure to overcome the problems of menstruation, there are number of herbal remedies which are efficient enough for curing menstrual problems.

Have a close look on the herbal remedy here:

Sesame seeds: Relieve menstrual problems by taking the help of sesame seeds; because it is very much effective for the pelvic health of women.

So, drink one cup of warm water added with sesame seeds two times every day. It helps to alleviate the problem of menstrual cramps.

Ginger: It is another important cure for treating menstrual disorders, such as heavy menstrual problems, painful menstruation. For achieving fast results, consume a cup of ginger juice after every meal. Gynecure capsules are another herbal way to overcome the menstrual problems.

Asoka: Take the bark of Asoka tree and make extraction from it. Relieve menstrual problems by drinking the extraction for avoiding heavy menstrual bleeding. The leaves and the flowers are used for making herbal supplements to cure menstrual problems. 

So, tag on the above remedies to cure the problems of menstruation and vaginal discharge.

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